Lesson: 18 - Apps with RAM Usage

Purpose: Students will learn how to find the RAM and storage of a computer and the resources used by an App and also understand what these means.

No. of Classes

One class - One hour.

Materials Required

Computer or Laptop.

Prior knowledge

Students should know about the meaning of RAM and storage in a computer.



1. Find the RAM available in a computer or device?


2. Find the RAM used by a specific App and learn how the performance of the App and computer are affected by these.


  • Link to view the Solution for Exercise-1 & 2 (Windows OS) and (Linux OS) (Solution).
  • Link to view the Solution for short notes of Memory Unit (Solution).

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Explain the activity before starting the class.
    2. Explain the meaning of RAM and storage. Point our that you can have computers without storage but not without RAM.
    3. Use technical names whereever possible. Example task manager, disk and drives, etc.
    4. At the end of the class explain to the children what they did in this activity.